We want to adapt the system to our processes and we want to be able to do so ourselves – allowing us to respond to changes quickly and without having to rely on the PLM vendor.

„Qualität und Geschwindigkeit sind die Vorteile, die der deutsche Werkzeugbau gegenüber der internationalen Konkurrenz bietet. Ohne PDM könnten wir beim heutigen Kostendruck unsere Position nicht behaupten.“

At bremenports, document management is a key building block of our IT-enabled infrastructure management. It used to be that the immense number of copies made it very difficult to know where the original document needed to be available in the first place. Rather than collecting department-specific data and organizing them by discipline, every document now only exists once in a single location and in electronic form. And you can rest assured that it’s the most current version.

We would have an employee uprising on our hands if we were to take the PDM system away from them again.

Die Zusammenarbeit in unserem Unternehmen ist jetzt wesentlich besser integriert. Dokumente lassen sich einfacher und schneller finden und die Arbeit der Konstrukteure wurde wesentlich vereinfacht.

Every engineer can now see right away whether a purchased part is permitted, not permitted, or phased out. The effort of setting up this system has truly paid off: The number of newly created part master records of purchased parts in SAP has been reduced by 35% over the last 3 years.