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With PROOM, its cloud-based centralized platform for the exchange of documents, PROCAD meets the needs of customers in technical industries.

Karlsruhe, March 21, 2018. PROCAD, a company specializing in PLM software and cloud-based document exchange in technical companies, has joined the “Cloud Services Made in Germany” initiative. The membership criteria for the “Cloud Services Made in Germany” initiative are key points for companies looking to switch to a cloud-based exchange platform. These criteria are defined in great detail. Every company listed need to be headquartered and under the jurisdiction of Germany. Their contact needs to be located in Germany and contracts need to be written in German and be under German law. PROCAD meets these criteria and its cloud-based document exchange platform PROOM is therefore listed in the solution catalog at https://www.cloud-services-made-in-germany.de/loesungskatalog/procad. The “Cloud Services Made in Germany” initiative is led by AppSphere AG and supported by the Cloud Computing Report, a German-language cloud information platform.

PROOM is the platform for the exchange of documents and external collaboration in technical companies. It provides companies with an easy and confidential way to exchange documents with partners, customers, and suppliers. The information is shared in project rooms rather than sending them as email attachments or by means of FTP, which inevitably leads to uncontrolled copying of files. The PROCAD solution for the exchange of technical documents with external contributors has recently scored a top ranking in a comparison between leading cloud storage offerings conducted by Netzsieger.de.

Figure: PROOM provides cloud-based project rooms for the controlled exchange of technical files with external partners, customers, suppliers, and project contributors.